Data Analytics Community of Practice (DACoP) Meeting
Small Agency Community of Practice (SACoP)Meeting
Cyber-ERM Community of Interest (CyberCoI) Meeting
Annual Meeting
General Session 4: Summit Wrap-Up
Speaker Ken Fletcher, President, AFERM
Closing Remarks
Speaker Margaret Weichert, Office of Management & Budget (OMB)
Plenary Session 5 — The Path to ERM at the Largest Charitable Organization in the U.S.
The YMCA’s path to ERM was both a learning experience and an example of real success. Join Nancy Owens for a discussion of ERM at the YMCA, including how their thinking evolved about ERM over time, how they corralled their risks, how -they identify and manage risks, what their governance looks like and what role (more…)
Track 4, Session 4E — What’s Diversity & Inclusion got to do with ERM?
For many years, organizations have recognized that diversity and inclusion leads to better decision-making, increased productivity, and greater effectiveness. This session will explore how diversity in demographics, perspectives, and experiences and a culture of inclusion (employees feel valued, respected, and treated equitably) can enhance an organization’s ERM capabilities, resulting in better risk identification and decision-making, (more…)