Welcome to Risk Chats, AFERM’s podcast that focuses on Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) in the Federal space. Candid insights and perspectives from some of the U.S. Government’s most recognized Chief Risk Officers and Risk Management professionals.
On this episode we chat with Robin Gilliam from FASAB about the new standard, SFFAS 64 -Management’s Discussion and Analysis: Rescission and Replacement of SFFAS 15. Robin will also be rolling out a training program to the agencies in February, listen to learn more!
On this episode, we chat with Brad Grams from FAA and Jovandra Sanderlin from EPA about the importance of ERM training from multiple perspectives at an agency! Links to items discussed on the podcast are below:
[Four Ps] The Policy Playbook for Organizational Resilience, here.
[Staffing/Training] Understaffed to Fully Stacked, here.
[Getting Buy-in/Champions/Support] Putting the Plans in Everyone’s Hands: Securing Buy-in For Your Resilience Program, here.
On this episode, Mel Thomson from City of Phoenix and Brad Grams from the FAA join us to debate the differences (and similarities) between Federal and State risk management!
On this episode we talk to members of AFERM’s new State & Local Committee, Mel Thomson from City of Phoenix, Grace Crickette from University of Redlands and Sean Catanese from King County!
On this episode we chat with AFERM award winner Julie Chua from HHS! We talk about cyber, healthcare risk, the AFERM Cyber Community of Interest and more!
This episode we chat with Denise Dunning from the Veterans’ Benefits Administration about their ERM program.
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