Closing Remarks

Speaker Margaret Weichert, Office of Management & Budget (OMB)

Track 4, Session 4E — What’s Diversity & Inclusion got to do with ERM?

For many years, organizations have recognized that diversity and inclusion leads to better decision-making, increased productivity, and greater effectiveness. This session will explore how diversity in demographics, perspectives, and experiences and a culture of inclusion (employees feel valued, respected, and treated equitably) can enhance an organization’s ERM capabilities, resulting in better risk identification and decision-making, (more…)

Track 3, Session 3E — Utilization of Data Analytics for Financial Risks

Risks come in many forms and flavors, and agencies collect lots of data in various formats, both structured and unstructured. All of this data represents valuable pieces of information or context about risks. The Health Resources and Services Administration has implemented a data-driven approach to make faster and better informed risk-based decisions.