This post first appeared on IBM Business of Government. Read the original article.

This report illuminates how to improve data sharing and performance management in intergovernmental programs.
The authors share findings from the
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Continuum of Care
(CoC) program that inform an in-depth examination of the federal government’s
largest discretionary grant program intended to reduce homelessness. The
research identifies HUD’s multi-pronged strategies that combine performance
measures and capacity building supports to focus grant recipients on achieving
national goals. These strategies provide a menu of smart practices that can be
used by other federal agencies that administer intergovernmental grants.
This report builds on the Center’s long record of research on performance reporting
and intergovernmental data sharing, including Helping Governments Prepare
For Future Crises: Using Metrics to Address Transformational Events, by Karen
Kunz and Scott Pattison; Federal Grants Management: Improving Outcomes, by
Shelley Metzenbaum; and Silo-Busting: The Challenges and Successes of
Intergovernmental Data Sharing, by Jane Wiseman.
We hope you find this report helpful in working to improve effective performance management for federal
grant programs that help states and localities to address critical social needs.