Chad Nieboer

Chad Nieboer is the Chief Strategist and Risk Officer at the U.S. Marshals Service (USMS) credited with building and implementing a dynamic Strategic Performance Management System that integrates strategy, performance, and risk to optimize Agency performance. Over the past six years, Chad has transformed the USMS culture by infusing strategic thinking, data driven decision making, and enterprise risk management throughout the Agency.

Chad has fostered innovation across the USMS through the various leadership roles he has held in the areas of Judicial Security, Investigative Operations, Human Resources, Financial Services, and Management Support. In each of these arenas, Chad has invigorated sluggish programs and transformed broken business processes by introducing strategic thinking principles, business process analysis, performance measurement, and risk management. As an agent of change, Chad inspires leaders to move away from the status quo, re-examine existing practices, re-define success, and most importantly, continuously reach for higher performance levels.

In 2015, under Chad’s leadership, the Strategic Performance Management Team received the Director’s Distinguished Group Award for Implementation of the Strategic Performance Management System. This robust management system has also received external accolades from the following organizations: Office of Management and Budget, Office of the Inspector General, Grant Thornton, and Columbia University School of Professional Studies to name just a few.

Chad received his undergraduate degree from Roberts Weslyan College and earned a Master of Arts from the University at Albany, School of Criminal Justice. In addition to being an AFERM member, Chad is a member of INFORMS – a professional association for operations research, management science, and analytics.