Deliver value through real-time risk considerations embedded within your decision-making processes. Experience new levels of connectedness, collaboration, and residual risk confidence across your enterprise by harnessing the power of modernized tools.
Breakout Session 3C — Updating Your Risk Appetite Statement as a Tool to Integrate Risk into Your Agency’s Agenda: Stories from USAID
In an ever-changing world, the commitment to periodically reviewing and updating a Risk Appetite Statement is critical for maintaining its relevancy and alignment with organizational priorities. Having an up-to-date Risk Appetite Statement also ensures that an organization or agency’s ERM program is consistent with the current risk posture. This session will share firsthand insights from (more…)
Breakout Session 3B — ERM Insights from the 737 Max Airliner Crisis — An ERM Case Study
After nearly 350 people were killed in two crashes, the Boeing 737 Max jets were grounded worldwide for 8 months, beginning in March 2019. The subsequent action unfortunately only came about after great tragedy. Were there early warning signs within Boeing and the FAA that could have helped avoid the devastating result? How did culture (more…)
Breakout Session 3A — Integrate ERM to mission
ERM requires an understanding of the company’s strategic goals and objectives to identify the risks that might derail their achievement. It is often hard to justify the time and expense of measuring something that is not easy to measure. Demonstrating or proving how a goal was met because something didn’t happen or wasn’t strongly experienced (more…)
Breakout Session 2C — Departmental Front End Risk Assessment (FERA) policy at HUD
The HUD panel will discuss the Department’s FERA policy. The FERA policy is a key tool used by HUD to buttress its risk responsibilities. This policy was developed to align with the authorities prescribed by OMB Circular A-123 , the GAO Green Book , Payment Integrity Information Act of 2019 (PIIA) , the Fraud Reduction (more…)
Breakout Session 2B — An FAA Experience: Integrating Evidence-Based Practices for Risk Informed Decision-Making
A recent FAA initiative spanning 14 months, involved a change management effort to build a three-year organizational strategy while applying evidence-based management practices in alignment with the Federal Data Strategy and the Evidence Act. Increasing the rigor behind data collection and analysis cannot be left to the “research arm” of the organization. Risk data, risk (more…)
Breakout Session 2A — ERM as a Driver of Impactful Public Service
Ashley Zink, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s Chief Risk Officer and Special Assistant to the Chief Accounting Officer, and Stephen Skardon, the City of Chicago’s Chief Risk Officer, will provide observations on risk management as embedded in successfully addressing key pillars of their mission such as accountability, civic engagement, diversity and inclusion, efficient budgeting, equity, government (more…)
Breakout Session 1D — Integration of ERM with Strategic Planning, Budgetary and Execution Processes
Move your ERM program along the maturity curve by creating a strategy and plan to improve integration of your programs into existing business processes. Facilitator Kate Sylvis, Guidehouse
Breakout Session 1C — When Mom and Dad Fight — How to Manage Expectations and Balance Risks When Working with Program Leadership and In-house Counsel
Litigation, which increasingly arises from equity and justice considerations, can plague organizations with reputational risks, cause financial harm, and constrain critical resources. In considering litigation, particularly associated with equity and mission-based considerations, Risk Management Professionals can get caught between meeting the needs of Executive Leadership on one hand and the General Counsel/Solicitor on the other. (more…)
Breakout Session 1B — Leveraging Technology in Support of Risk Management
This session will present 3 experts that have hands-on experience implementing technology solutions in support of their risk management objectives. The dialogue will be presented in the form of questions from the moderator and answers from the panel experts. The questions and answers will touch on all three Summit tracks with a primary focus on (more…)